Hyp-StraMeeting 20231026
Strategy Meeting (JLab Hypernuclear Epxeriment)
- 22:00-23:00 on Oct 26, 2023 (JST)
- Liguang, Franco, Guido, Joerg, Pete, Nue, Sho, Toshi
- via Zoom
- pre-meeting on Nov 14, 2023
- Chcecked the indico page
→ added a engineering talk.
- Chcecked the indico page
- Let's start writing document
- Toshi prepared Overleaf.
→ Please let me (Gogami) know your account so that I will give permissions for them.
- Toshi prepared Overleaf.
Detector preparation
- Liguang will ask if the amp-discri cards can be borrowed from Brad.
- The amp-discri cards, which are copies of cards for KDC (LeCroy), for EDC are now in Japan.
- Plastic wrapping will be removed to start checking.
- The chambers locates at a place from where they cannot be moved to a test bench space at the moment.
→ The test would be next summer.
Next meeting