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Start CODA
- Running CODA for LHRS open a terminal on adaq1 and type "startcoda".
- If you are not at the adaq1 computer, you must terminal into the adaq1 machine.
- Type "ssh -Y adaq@adaq1" , use the password for adaq. Please ask for the password if you do not know it.
- Running CODA for RHRS open a terminal on adaq2 and type "startcoda".
- If you are not at the adaq2 computer, you must terminal into the adaq2 machine.
- Type "ssh -Y adaq@adaq2" , use the password for adaq. Please ask for the password if you do not know it.
The runcontrol window will appear: File:Startcoda.png
Hit the "Connect" button, then "Configure" (choose a configuration e.g. LeftHrs), and "Start Run", or, to troubleshoot, "Download", "Prestart", and "Go".
Starting CODA from Scatch
- If you need to troubleshoot CODA follow this link for How To's