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Start CODA
- Running CODA for LHRS open a terminal on adaq1 and type "startcoda".
- If you are not at the adaq1 computer, you must terminal into the adaq1 machine.
- Type "ssh -Y adaq@adaq1" , use the password for adaq. Please ask for the password if you do not know it.
- Running CODA for RHRS open a terminal on adaq2 and type "startcoda".
- If you are not at the adaq2 computer, you must terminal into the adaq2 machine.
- Type "ssh -Y adaq@adaq2" , use the password for adaq. Please ask for the password if you do not know it.
The runcontrol window will appear: File:Startcoda.png
Hit the "Platform" tab, followed by the "Connect" button. Under the Configurations tab, press Cool and choose the configuration desired. Then hit "Configure" (the wrench icon) and Download (floppy icon), and finally "Start Run", or, to troubleshoot, "Download", "Prestart", and "Go".
Starting CODA from Scatch
- If you need to troubleshoot CODA follow this link for How To's