HYP DAQ Meeting 20231024
DAQ Meeting (Hypernuclear experiment at JLab)
- 09:00-10:00 on Oct 24th, 2023 EDT (22:00-23:00 on Oct 24th, 2023 JST)
- Participants: Chandan (JLab), Hanjie (JLab), Alexandre (JLab), Nue (Tokyo), Tatsu (Tohoku), Teppi(Kyoto), Toshi (Kyoto)
- via ZoomGov
- The number of necessary ADC and TDC
- FADC: 20
- Low resolution TDC (assum. 96 ch/mod.): 24
- High resolution TDC (assum. 64 ch/mod.): 4
- Accidental coincidence rate
- A few kHz for light targets.
- The estimation for heavier targets will be provided (→ Toshi will send the information to all).
- Resources
→ There will be enough resources by the time of experiment. - FADC
- The trigger condition is able to be coded.
- A simulation study (practice) will be done by Iwamoto.
→ Could you give us information of software and its license etc.? - FADCs will be available in May 2024.
→ One set of FADC test bench may be able to be prepared earlier, for example, in Feb-Mar, 2024.
→ Alexandre will check if they can be prepared.
- JLab visit
- Nue, Teppei and Toshi are going to visit JLab from Nov 13 to Nov 17.
- Meeting on Nov 14: https://indico.jlab.org/event/742/