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=== Meetings in 2025 ===
=== Meetings in 2025 ===
* [[KLF beamline meeting - March 20, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - March 13, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - March 6, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - February 27, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - February 13, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - February 13, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - February 6, 2025]]
* [[KLF beamline meeting - February 6, 2025]]

Latest revision as of 08:32, 17 March 2025

Beamline Meetings

Weekly remote Zoom meetings on Thursdays at 9:00am

Meetings in 2025

Meetings in 2024

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 667 4688
Passcode: 709878

Pages for the KLF new beamline components


Collimator Cave engineering drawing showing the overview of the beamline and the KPT design

Basic Parameters for KLF beamline

Table: KLF beamline basic parameters inside and after collimator cave (green background means the parameter is defined).
Paramater Value Comment
Radiator thickness (z) 0.2 X0 Made of copper (2.87mm)
Be target length (z) 40cm
KPT upstream γ-beam channel width (x&y) 14cm Rectangular (square cross section)
Be target diameter 7cm Cylindrical (circular cross section)
Tungsten plug length (z) 14cm 90/10 W/Cu, ρ=16.5 g/cm3
Tungsten plug width (x&y) 14.2cm Rectangular (square cross section)
KPT downstream KL-beam channel width (x&y) 6.7cm Rectangular (square cross section)
Beam pipe diameters ??cm Needs optimizing
Beamline shielding wall ?? Needs optimizing
Sweeping magnetic field 0.82 (T•m) |Bx|=0.23T inside the gap
PS magnetic field 1.65 (T•m) |Bx|=1.8T inside the gap
LH2 target length (z) ~40cm May not be final
LH2 target diameter 6cm

Requirements for KLF electron beam tuning

Table: KLF electron beam specifications (pink background means the specs are not defined)
Beam Paramater @ CPS radiator @ KPT entrance
Beam current 50 nA ≤ IB ≤ 5 μA N/A
Beam emmitances εx,y ≤ 20 nm-rad Ν/Α
Beam spot size σx,y = 1.2 mm, (0.8 mm ≤ σx,y ≤ 1.5 mm) σx,y ≤ 1 cm
Beam position stability (@ 1 Hz) σx,y ≤ 0.2 mm σx,y ≤ 2 mm
Beam halo (halo-to-peak) < 10−4 at r ≥ 5σx,y N/A
Beam excursion limits in FSD Δx,y ≥ 1 mm Δx,y ≥ 1 cm
Bleedthrough from out-of-time bunches Specs undefined N/A