Analysis Meeting: July 19th, 2016
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- 2:00 pm, L102
We will be using the BlueJeans system. To join via Phone: 1) Direct-dial +1.408.740.7256 (US) +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number) (all numbers) 2) Enter Meeting ID: 4845151606 3) Press #
onsite- Jason, Dien, Buddhini, Doug, Tylor, Mike, Evan, Shujie, Tong
- Jason talked about what he is learning about the BPM calibrations. He is learning about the different steps using E08-010 experiments how-to guide.
- Doug suggested he should post hist slides and instructions to the Hall A wiki page. Buddhini suggested to put them in the Tritium wiki also. So Jason was put on charge of writing the BPM how-to :)
- Dien talked about the issues and solutions she discovered during her beam charge determination study using E080104 data. She has discovered a potential issue in the scaler decoding software that was introducing an offset in the BCM counts in the scaler tree compared to what is being read in by the ADCs and stored in the TTree. This and several other analysis mistakes have resulted in her calculation of the total charge for the said experiment being ~1% different from what was calculated before.
- Doug mentioned that the accuracy of a BCM is about 10% but one should not have seen a 1% differences in the total charge estimated.
- Dien will post her script to the Tritium/reply folder in the adaq machines so anyone can access it and use it for their work. She will also update the BCM howto page for tritium.
- Tyler is working on his GRC poster. He has found some documents about the raster. Buddhini suggested to just talk with Bob since he is incharge of the Hall A raster.
- Mike is working with Havier and Thia to update the F2n/F2p vs x plot with new theory calculations.
- Tong is working on his GRC poster on energy determination.
- Shujie is working on updating the mc_hrs_xem. Her current changes are added into the git so Buddhini should check them and merge the changes into the main branch,