Analysis Meeting: July 12th, 2016

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2:00 pm, L102
We will be using the BlueJeans system.
To join via Phone:
1) Direct-dial 
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2) Enter Meeting ID: 4845151606
3) Press #


Round table discussions of work updates.


On-site - Jason, Buddhini, Shujie, Jonathan, Evan, Tyler, Mike, Dien on phone - Elle Long and Zhihong


  • Jason talked about his EMC simulation work. He has found a normalization error in his momentum distributions and is trying to fix that. He suspects this will not effect the results he has shown last week though.

He is also reading about BPM's and trying to find which scripts to access to do the calibration. Buddhini said she will send him the locations of the scripts.

  • Shujie has finished adding the tritium target into the mc_hrs_xem as a part of modifying the mc_hms_xem to do simulations for the HRS. She will upload her changes into a new git repository so they can be shared with Dien.
  • Mike is working on reproducing the F2n/F2p plots using updated F2n/F2p theory results. This is based on a discussion that started during this Hall A/C meeting talk. Thia pointed out the theory errors on F2n and F2p are much smaller now than what was originally used for the MARATHON proposal. Mike may add this figure to his Gordon conference poster assuming he gets permission from the collaboration to do so. He is also looking into the energy calibration procedure.
  • Tyler is also working on his poster for the Gordon conference. He will be talking about the BigBite and its current status and what remains to be done for it to be used for upcoming experiments.
  • Jason talked about his EMC simulations work from the last meeting. There were new people so he volunteered to bring them up to date. Thanks Jason!
  • Jonathan is continuing to familiar himself with root.
  • Dien is working on the tracking analysis and BCM calibrations. He has found what appears to be a bug in the BCM scaler analysis which is causing an offset between the BCM scaler results in the two arms. She needs to talk to Bob to figure out where this maybe coming from if its a software bug.