Sendai meeting2022
Hyperon Production Meeting: OKU-SENDAI 2022
Data, Time and Place
Date: December 18, 2022
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Place : Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan + Zoom
Mr. Kazuki Okuyama (Ph.D. Student at Tohoku University, Japan)
This meeting is for a discussion of hyperon production study
particularly through an electromagnetic probe at Jefferson Lab.
Data of virtual photo-productions of Λ and Σ0 were taken in JLab E12-17-003 Experiment which was performed in 2018.
High resolution spectrometers at JLab Hall A were used for the experiment,
and in fact the high resolution in resulting mass spectra allowed us
to clearly identify the hyperons' productions at the very forward scattering angle where data are limited.
The new data are indispensable to understand mechanisms of producitons of hyperons and hypernuclei via the (e,e'K+) reaction.
In this special meeting, we will discuss the electroproduction of hyperons
based on an analysis progress that Kazuki is finalizing for its publication.
- K. Okuyama et al., EPJ Web Conf. 271, 02003 (2022)
- K. Itabashi et al., EPJ Web Conf. 271, 02006 (2022)
- T. Gogami et al., EPJ Web Conf. 271, 02002 (2022)
Contact T. Gogami (gogami.toshiyuki.4a _at_
to get a URL (or ID/password) for the Zoom meeting.