PPB References and Links

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Peer Reviewed Publications


  • J. Arrington, M. Battaglieri, A. Boehnlein, S.A. Bogacz, W.K. Brooks, E. Chudakov, I. Cloet, R. Ent, H. Gao, J. Grames, L. Harwood, X.Ji, C.Keppel, G.Krafft, R.D. McKeown, J. Napolitano, J.W. Qiu, P. Rossi, M. Schram, S. Stepanyan, J. Stevens, A.P. Szczepaniak, N. Toro, X. Zheng, "Physics with CEBAF at 12 GeV and Future Opportunities" - https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00060 (Preprint submitted to Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, November 30 2021)
  • Alberto Bacci, Francesco Broggi, Vittoria Petrillo, Luca Serafini, "Low Emittance Positron Beam Generation: A Comparison Between Photo-production and Electro-Production", https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.13167 (2021)


JLab Positron PhD Theses

  • (2010, Old Dominion University) Serkan Golge - Unpolarized SRF CW positron source media:PhD_Golge.pdf
  • (2011, Joseph Fourier University) Jonathan Dumas - PEPPo conceptual design media:PhD_Dumas.pdf
  • (2016, Hampton University) Adeleke Adeyemi - PEPPo experimental results media:PhD_Adeyemi.pdf
  • (TBD, University of Paris) Sami Habet - Polarized Positron Beams for Jefferson Lab

Positron LDRD

Conferences, Workshops, Meetings


Snowmass Polarized Positron Sources Workshop, March 1, 2022 [1]

  • J. Grames, "Polarized positron source program at JLab"

Snowmass Electron Source Workshop, February 16-18, 2022 [2]


  • J. Grames, Jefferson Lab Accelerator Advisory Committee presentation Slides, December 3 (2021)


  • Jefferson Lab Accelerator Advisory Committee (Oct 20-23) Slides
  • J. Grames Production of Polarized Positrons at Jefferson Lab, CFNS Workshop on Beam Polarization and Polarimetry at EIC ([3]), June 26, 2020 Draft media:CNFS_2020_v2.pptx
  • P. Degtiarenko, J. Kowal, J. Musson, S. Philip, M. Tiefenback, K. Welch, Some Practical Considerations for a Positron Source and Positron Beam Operations at CEBAF, edited J. Grames, May 11 2020 media:PositronConsiderations_FINAL.docx






Technical Reports


  • S. Habet, A. Ushakov, E. Voutier, Angular consitency of the polarization transfer of electromagnetic processes PEPPo-TN-21-01


  • P. Degtiarenko, J. Kowal, J. Musson, S. Philip, M. Tiefenback, K. Welch, (Ed. J. Grames) "Some Practical Considerations for a Positron Source and Positron Beam Operations at CEBAF" JLab Positron Technical Note #001 media:JPTN-001-PositronConsiderations.pdf