Main Page
Tritium Target Wiki
JLAB Hall A Tritium Target
- MARATHON, PR12-10-103
- Short Range Correlations, PR12-11-112
- Ratio of the electric form factor in the mirror nuclei 3He and 3H, PR12-14-009
- Proton and Neutron Momentum Distributions in A = 3 Asymmetric Nuclei, PR12-14-011
Technical Reports
- Design Report
- Safety Algorithm
- Permeability of Al Cell
- Target Cell Design
- Getter System Design
- Absorption Risks
- X-ray Dose Estimates
- Inhalation Risks
- Release Analysis
- Hazard Analysis
- Cell Activation
- T2 Vent Stack
- General Calculations
- Beam Energy Loss in Cell and Window
- Accidental Release
- Beam Energy Loss in Be Window
- Multiple Scattering in Be Window
- Be Isolation Window Model
- Pressure and Permeation Rate
- Dose from Release Model