Hypernuclear Project with HRS-HKS at Hall A.
We are also considering an option to perform the experiment at Hall C instead of Hall A.
- E12-19-002 (3, 4ΛH), A, 14.5 PAC days
- E12-15-008 (40, 48ΛK), A, 28 PAC days
- E12-20-013 (208ΛTl), B+, 20 PAC days
Conditionally Approved
- C12-20-003 (3Λn)
The experiment is planned to be carried out with high resolution spectrometers HRS and HKS
in JLab Hall A for high precision hypernuclear measurement.
Electron beams at 4.24 GeV will be impinged on various targets
(3, 4He, 40, 48Ca, 208Pb),
and scattered electrons and K+s from the (e,e'K+) reaction
will be detected by the spectrometers for missing mass spectroscopy of hypernuclei.
There is an option of the usage of HES and HKS at Hall C for the experiment.
However, an optics analysis for the gas target needs at least
one vertical spectrometer by which the production vertex along
the beam direction can be reconstructed with the reasonable resolution.
- 2021
- Katayama_Thesis2020.pdf:
K. Katayama, "Development of HRS-HKS trigger system with FPGA -High precision measurement of hypernuclei at JLab-",
Master's Thesis, Kyoto University, Mar 2021 (in Japanese). - Toyoda_Thesis2020.pdf:
T. Toyoda, "Basic design of gas target for high accuracy mass measurement of hypertriton at JLab",
Master's Thesis, Kyoto University, Mar 2021 (in Japanese). - T. Akiyama, "",
Master's Thesis, Tohoku University, Mar 2021 (in Japanese). - K. Okuyama, "",
Master's Thesis, Tohoku University, Mar 2021 (in Japanese).
- Katayama_Thesis2020.pdf:
- T. Gogami et al., "Accurate Λ hypernuclear spectroscopy with electromagnetic probe at Jefferson Lab", AIP Conference Proceedings 2319, 080019 (2021) [1]
Hall A/C Collaboration Meeting (Online, Jul 8-9, 2021)
- T. Gogami, "High accuracy measurement of nuclear masses of hyperhydrogens (C12-19-002)", Jul 9, 2021
→ https://indico.jlab.org/event/451/
JPS Annual Meeting (Online, 12-15 Mar, 2021)
- K.N. Suzuki, "Cross section measurement of the 3H(e,e'K+)nnΛ reaction at JLab", Mar 12, 2021 (PDF)
- K. Okuyama
- T. Akiyama
- K. Katayama
- Y.R. Nakamura
HIN2020 (Online+Kyoto(Japan), 8-10 Mar, 2021)
- J. Renhold, "The future hypernuclear program at Jefferson Lab", Mar 10, 2021
APFB2020 (Online+Kanazawa(Japan), 1-5 Mar, 2021)
- K. Katayama, "Trigger system development for the accurate BΛ measurement of Lambda hypertriton at JLab"
- K. Itabashi, "Study of the nnΛ state and Λn interaction at Jefferson Lab"
- T. Gogami, "Lambda hypertriton binding energy measurement at Jefferson Lab", Mar 2, 2021 (PDF)
Hall A Winter Collaboration Meeting (Online, Jan 21-22, 2021)
- B. Pandey, "", Jan 21, 2021
- T. Gogami, "Future hypernuclear experiments with HKS", Jan 22, 2021 (PDF)