September 20th, 2022

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Attended: Moskov, Mikhail, Justin, Sean, Jim, and Igor.

  • JLUO input to the LRP process (draft) [1] following JLUO meeting on September 8th [2]: Embraces with the highest priority the scientific capitalization of investments made at CEBAF, the nation’s premier QCD facility, and strongly supports optimal running of the 12 GeV program, including the construction of the SOLID detector, the development of a positron beam, the luminosity upgrade of the CLAS12 detector and the implementation of a secondary KL beam.

  • On September 16th, Tanja Horn had a CPS meeting (main focus is CPS for Hall C)[4].

  • On September 21st, Eugene reported to the GlueX Collaboration [6] the KLF budjet for 2023 is $0.4M: Designer’s work, procurement of materials (the collimator cave). The KLF installation is scheduled for 2025-2026 and we will run KLF in 2026-2028.

  • Thursday, November 3rd, we will have the 6th KLF Collaboration meeting. The tentative agenda is in [7].