Run Meeting: August 21st, 2020

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Revision as of 21:40, 21 August 2020 by Hattawy (talk | contribs)
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Back to Run Group F | Daily Run Group F Coordination Meetings

12:00PM RC Meeting (

RC: M. Hattawy


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Summary of Aug. 21th

Owl shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert: shift was cancelled.
  2. Issues: NL vacuum issue.
  3. Recorded data: 0

Day shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert:
  2. Issues: NO beam because of the NL vacuum issue.
  3. Recorded data: zero

Swing shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert:
  2. Issues: a power supply was tripped at the end of the HWP out moller run. Eugene said, this will take time to fix/replace the power supply and we decided to move with sending the beam to FC.
  3. Recorded data: nothing yet ... (21:13 )
  4. Beam Polarization: 82% HWP IN, 85% HWP OUT

Whole day summary

  1. Total recorded data today: 0
  2. Part-II total accumulated data on D2: 754M
  3. Concerns: nothing yet (21:13 )

Tomorrow daily RC meeting will be at usual time 12:00 PM using the link

Recorded data numbers

Number of events recorded