RC Meeting: September 4th, 2020

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Summary of Sep. 4th

Owl shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3840690
  2. Issues: High rates on upstream halo counters; only remedy proposed by MCC is raising the FSD threshold to 2600.
  3. Recorded data: 32.2 M events

Day shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3840902
  2. Issues: No beam - accelerator trying to tune orbits, then 1L19 drops out again. Attempt to tune beam on tagger failed (high upstream counter rates even with beam to Hall off).
  3. Recorded data: 0

Swing shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert:
  2. Issues: Still no beam. MCAT04 magnet may have been energized to low (would explain scraping): https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3841133.
  3. Recorded data:

Whole day summary

  1. Total recorded data today:
  2. Part-II total accumulated data on D2:
  3. Concerns:

Tomorrow daily RC meeting will be at usual time 12:00 PM using the link https://bluejeans.com/7576835804/

Recorded data numbers

Number of events recorded