RC Meeting: September 8th, 2020

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Summary of Sep. 8th

Owl shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3843547
  2. Issues: Several accelerator issues
  3. Recorded data: 7.7 M events on D2

Day shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3843770
  2. Issues: Beam off at beginning, then high beam counter rates, then DAQ crash (SVT3 = MVT3 ROC). Went into controlled access for beamline repair at 11:30
  3. Recorded data: 3.9 M events on D2

Swing shift

  1. Shift summary by the shift expert: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3844034
  2. Issues: Beamline exit window repair unsuccessful. Down until new exit window can be prepared. Shift ended early.
  3. Recorded data: Zilch

Whole day summary

  1. Total recorded data today: 11.7 M events - please fire the RC!
  2. Part-II total accumulated data on D2: only a rounding error from yesterday (1.66 B events)
  3. Concerns: Beam line exit window repair will likely take until at least noon tomorrow. Then we will have to put everything back into working order. Owl shift is cancelled.

Tomorrow daily RC meeting will be at usual time 12:00 PM using the link https://bluejeans.com/7576835804/

Recorded data numbers

Number of events recorded