Hypernuclear CollaborationMeeting 2021Dec

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JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration Meeting 2021

  • December 7-9, 2021
  • Online

December 7, 2021

Time Table (Dec 7, 2021). Chair1 = J. Reinhold (FIU), Chair2 = G.M. Urciuoli (INFN).
Time (EST) Time (CET) Time (JST) Speaker Title File
07:00-07:10 13:00-13:10 21:00-21:10 S.N. Nakamura (Tohoku Univ.) Opening + Introduction pdf
07:10-07:30 13:10-13:30 21:10-21:30 Physics overview of new experiment (A = 40, 48)
07:30-07:50 13:30-13:50 21:30-21:50 F. Garibldi (INFN) Physics overview of new experiment (A = 208) pdf
07:50-08:10 13:50-14:10 21:50-22:10 T. Gogami (Kyoto Univ.) Physics overview of new experiment (A = 3, 4) pdf
08:10-08:30 14:10-14:30 22:10-22:30 K. Okuyama (Tohoku Univ.) Hypernuclear study from 27Al (A = 27) pdf
08:30-08:40 14:30-14:40 22:30-22:40 Coffee Break
08:40-09:00 14:40-15:00 22:40-23:00 S.A. Wood (JLab) Hall A/C overview pdf
09:00-09:20 15:00-15:20 23:00-23:20 S. Nagao (Tohoku Univ.) PCS + Experimental setup pdf
09:20-09:40 15:20-15:40 23:20-23:40 T. Gogami (Kyoto Univ.) HKS (+HES) detector overview and status pdf
09:40-10:00 15:40-16:00 23:40-24:00 T. Gogami (Kyoto Univ.) Target design pdf

December 8, 2021

Time Table (Dec 8, 2021). Chair1 = P. Markowitz (FIU), Chair2 = S. Nagao (Tohoku Univ.).
Time (EST) Time (CET) Time (JST) Speaker Title File
07:15-07:45 13:15-13:45 21:15-21:45 K.N. Suzuki (Kyoto Univ.) nnΛ analysis (1): cross section (arXiv:2110.09104 (nucl-ex)) pdf
07:45-08:15 13:45-14:15 21:45-22:15 B. Pandey (Hampton Univ.) nnΛ analysis (2): peak search pdf
08:15-08:45 14:15-14:45 22:15-22:45 K. Itabashi (Tohoku Univ.) nnΛ analysis (3): Λ-n final state interaction pdf
08:45-09:00 14:45-15:00 22:45-23:00 Coffee Break
09:00-10:05 15:00-16:05 23:00-23:05 S. Nagao (Tohoku Univ.) Brief introduction of the following talks pdf
09:05-09:25 15:05-15:25 23:05-23:25 K. Okuyama (Tohoku Univ.) Experimental performance study by Geant4 for the Hall C option pdf
09:25-09:40 15:25-15:40 23:25-23:40 T. Akiyama (Tohoku Univ.) Sieve slit study by Geant4 (PCS+HKS) pdf
09:40-09:50 15:40-15:50 23:40-23:50 R. Kino (Tohoku Univ.) Scintillation fiber detector for angle calibration pdf
09:50-10:00 15:50-16:00 23:50-24:00 S. Nagano (Tohoku Univ.) Status of new water Cherenkov detector pdf

December 9, 2021

Time Table (Dec 9, 2021). Chair = L. Tang (Hampton Univ. / JLab).
Time (EST) Time (CET) Time (JST) Speaker Title File
07:00-07:20 13:00-13:20 21:00-21:20 P. Brinza Hall C drawings / modification / installation pdf
07:20-07:30 13:20-13:30 21:20-21:30 T. Gogami (Kyoto Univ.) Short summary for discussion pdf
07:30-08:20 13:30-14:20 21:30-22:20 Discussion pdf
08:20-08:40 14:20-14:40 21:20-22:40 S.N. Nakamura (Tohoku Univ.) Summary and closing pdf
08:40-08:50 14:40-14:50 22:40-22:50 Coffee Break
08:50-09:30 14:50-15:30 22:50-23:30 Closed discussion (spokespeople) pdf
  • Some of Japanese members have the meeting in person at Hotel Hananoyu, Sendai, Japan on the last day.
    The meeting room is allowed to be used by 24:00. Participants need to leave the room by then due to the security issue.

  • December 10, 2021:
    The workshop "Prospects of precise spectroscopy of Lambda hypernuclei with various beams" will be held in the online+onsite hybrid style.
    Most of talk slides are expected to be written in English but the talks will be in Japanese.

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