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===To-Do Lists===
=Gun Test Stand Meetings=
:[[GTS Improvement List - Summer / Fall 2016]] Plans to improve on GTS when installing magnetized beam cathode magnet
:[[TGun status]]
* '''''GTS OSP: [[media:operational_safety_procedure_form_94662.pdf]]'''''
* '''''Cathode Solenoid OSP: [[media:operational_safety_procedure_form_94484.pdf]]'''''
* '''''Thermionic Electron Source OSP: [[media:operational_safety_procedure_form_94703.pdf]]'''''
:[[GTS meeting 7_13_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 3_09_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 3_02_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 2_17_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 2_10_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 1_27_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 1_13_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 1_06_20]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 12_09_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 12_02_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 11_25_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 11_18_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 11_11_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 11_04_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 10_28_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 10_21_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 10_14_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 10_07_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 9_30_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 9_23_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 9_16_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 9_09_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 8_26_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 8_19_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 8_12_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 8_05_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
:[[GTS meeting 7_29_19]] T-Gun Progress and Work Plan, Survey
:[[GTS meeting 7_22_19]] T-Gun Progress
:[[GTS meeting 7_15_19]] T-Gun Progress, remaining tasks and schedule - GTS Photocathode Analysis
:[[GTS meeting 7_08_19]] T-Gun arrived today
:[[GTS meeting 7_01_19]] T-Gun will arrive at JLab on Monday July 8th
:[[GTS meeting 6_24_19]] T-Gun will arrive at JLab on Monday July 1st
:[[GTS meeting 6_17_19]] Disconnect P-Gun and Install T-Gun
:[[GTS meeting 6_10_19]] '''''NAPAC 2019'''''
:[[GTS meeting 5_13_19]] '''''IPAC 2019'''''
:[[GTS meeting 5_06_19]] Disconnect P-Gun and Install T-Gun
:[[GTS meeting 4_22_19]] Disconnect P-Gun and Install T-Gun
:[[GTS meeting 4_15_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 4_08_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline and TE011 cavity
:[[GTS meeting 3_25_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 3_18_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 3_11_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 3_04_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 2_25_19]] Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 2_18_19]] Plan of Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
:[[GTS meeting 2_11_19]] Completed Beamline for T-Gun, '''''T-Gun Beamline and New Ion Precipitator Drawings'''''
:[[GTS meeting 2_04_19]] Beamline and Controls Modifications
:[[GTS meeting 1_28_19]] Beamline and Controls Modifications, '''''T-Gun Beamline Drawings'''''
:'''[[GTS Beamline with Photogun at end of LDRD]]'''
:[[GTS meeting 1_14_19]] Beamline and Controls Modifications
:[[GTS meeting 1_07_19]] Beamline and Controls Modifications
:[[GTS meeting 12_10_18]] Krypton Processing to 300 kV, Ion beam calculations
:[[GTS meeting 12_03_18]] Krypton Processing to 300 kV, Space Charge Effect in Magnetized Beam
:[[GTS meeting 11_26_18]]
:[[GTS meeting 11_19_18]] GPT simulation of Space Charge effects in Magnetized Beam
:[[GTS meeting 11_12_18]] Ghost beam studies
:[[GTS meeting 11_05_18]] Ghost beam plans
:[[GTS meeting 10_22_18]] Summary of pulse energy vs bunch charge
:[[GTS meeting 10_15_18]] Summary of pulse energy vs bunch charge for 200 kV, 150 kV and 100 kV
:[[GTS meeting 10_08_18]] Space charge limit vs magnetization and laser pulse length, Bunch charge vs Frequency, Ion simulations discussion with Crhistian Valerio
:[[GTS meeting 10_01_18]] High bunch charge, Ions simulation by Cristhian Valerio
:[[GTS meeting 9_24_18]] 28 mA run (100 kV, 150 Amps), GPT Space Charge Limit
:[[GTS meeting 9_17_18]] RadCon approved Currents: 100 kV @ 26 mA; 200 kV @ 15 mA; or 300 kV @ 4.5 mA
:[[GTS meeting 9_10_18]] 16 mA Magnetized beam run, High currents plan, P3 Workshop abstracts
:[[GTS meeting 8_27_18]] New Spellman HV power supply
:[[GTS meeting 8_20_18]] Emittance vs Gun Solenoid, Magnetized lifetime measurement at 4.5 A (37 hours), ion-induced secondary electron beam, t-gun beam movie
:[[GTS meeting 8_13_18]] P3 Workshop
:[[GTS meeting 8_06_18]] Emittance vs Gun Solenoid, Magnetized Beam 2D and 3D Schematics
:[[GTS meeting 7_30_18]] More lifetime measurements, Emittance check with Gun Solenoid off
:[[GTS meeting 7_23_18]] Summary of lifetime measurements
:[[GTS meeting 7_16_18]] High current runs, GPT simulations of Beam Size vs Solenoid Current for 200 kV
:[[GTS meeting 7_11_18]] Photocathodes Sb deposition time studies, High current runs
:[[GTS meeting 7_02_18]] Photocathodes Sb deposition time studies, GPT simulations of normalized emittance vs z
:[[GTS meeting 6_25_18]] Photocathodes Sb deposition time studies, GPT simulations of normalized emittance vs z
:[[GTS meeting 6_18_18]] GTS updated plan, Photocathodes activation with different Sb deposition time, CST microwave studio simulations of 300 kV GTS gun
:[[GTS meeting 6_11_18]] Beam emittance vs magnetic field at photocathode (Laser rms = 0.32 mm)
:[[GTS meeting 6_04_18]] Beam size for different Pierce angle 1D field maps, Space Charge Simulation
:[[GTS meeting 5_21_18]] More HV conditioning, Photocathode surface and chemical analysis, Space Charge Simulation
:[[GTS meeting 5_07_18]] HV conditioning completed, Photocathode activation (moly substrate, 5 mm), '''New beamline Drawing'''
:[[GTS meeting 4_30_18]] IPAC'18 Final Proceedings
:[[GTS meeting 4_23_18]] IPAC'18 Posters + Proceedings
:[[GTS meeting 4_16_18]] IPAC'18 Posters
:[[GTS meeting 4_09_18]] IPAC'18 Contributions, Replace bad ceramic
:[[GTS meeting 4_02_18]] New ceramic, puck with molybdenum substrate, Gun bake, GTS Emittance Simulation
:[[GTS meeting 3_19_18]] Gun ceramic failure
:[[GTS meeting 3_12_18]] Emittance around damaged spots on photocathode
:[[GTS meeting 3_05_18]] ASTRA Beam size sensitivities
:[[GTS meeting 2_26_18]] Emittance Simulations vs spot location on photocathode
:[[GTS meeting 2_19_18]] Emittance vs spot location on photocathode, Emittance near damaged spot
:[[GTS meeting 2_12_18]] Emittance vs beam current, Emittance vs spot location on photocathode
:[[GTS meeting 2_05_18]] Emittance vs laser spot size, Beam size vs z for different Solenoid I, '''New beamline Drawing and 3D Views'''
:[[GTS meeting 1_29_18]] Harp and Viewer emittance measurements (5-300 kV), Laser profile
:[[GTS meeting 1_22_18]] Emittance measurements at Viewer 3, Harp scans
:[[GTS meeting 1_08_18]] ASTRA simulation, Harp commissioning
:[[GTS meeting 12_18_17]] Final IPAC18 Abstracts, Harp commissioning
:[[GTS meeting 12_11_17]] IPAC18 Abstracts Poelker's edits, Harp commissioning, '''New beamline Drawing''',
:[[GTS meeting 12_04_17]] IPAC18 Abstracts, Harp commissioning
:[[GTS meeting 11_27_17]] Fiber laser sizes, beam commissioning plan, GPT modelling
:[[GTS meeting 11_20_17]] Gain switched diode laser update, beam commissioning plan
:[[GTS meeting 11_13_17]] Gain switched diode laser update, beam commissioning plan
:[[GTS meeting 11_06_17]] Shutdown activities, gain switched diode laser update, beam commissioning plan
:[[GTS meeting 10_30_17]] Shutdown activities, gain switched diode laser
:[[GTS meeting 10_23_17]] Shutdown activities
:[[GTS meeting 10_16_17]] Shutdown started today
:[[GTS meeting 10_09_17]] Remaining tasks before shutdown
:[[GTS meeting 10_02_17]] High current runs, laser heating, Jay's GTS Magnetic field model, remaining tasks before shutdown
:[[GTS meeting 9_25_17]] High current runs - 3 mA
:[[GTS meeting 9_18_17]] New activation, differential orbits, new shutdown start date
:[[GTS meeting 9_11_17]] High current runs, differential orbits, '''''shutdown plans'''''
:[[GTS meeting 8_28_17]] Emittance measurements, '''''shutdown plans'''''
:[[GTS meeting 8_21_17]] Emittance measurements
:[[GTS meeting 8_14_17]] ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements, YAG facts.
:[[GTS meeting 8_07_17]] ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements
:[[GTS meeting 7_31_17]] ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements
:[[GTS meeting 7_24_17]] ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements
:[[GTS meeting 7_17_17]] Updates on magnetized beam sizes, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
:[[GTS meeting 7_10_17]] Updates on magnetized beam sizes, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
:[[GTS meeting 7_03_17]] Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
:[[GTS meeting 6_26_17]] Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
:[[GTS meeting 6_19_17]] Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement. Yan's UGM poster.
:[[GTS meeting 6_15_17]] Updated to-do list, discuss our simulation wish list
:[[GTS meeting 6_12_17]] Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, emittance measurements, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement
:[[GTS meeting 6_05_17]] JLab Annual Users' Group Meeting: Yan's Abstract and Poster Outline
:[[GTS meeting 5_22_17]] 0.5 mA magnetized beam
:[[GTS meeting 5_15_17]] Instrumenting the Wire Scanner
:[[GTS meeting 5_09_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Software Tasks
:[[GTS meeting 5_02_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Attempting to deliver 1 mA - Cornell, Pozdeyev and Grames papers on ions, links to GTSLOG
:[[GTS meeting 4_25_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Upgraded the laser system. '''Latest Drawings and 3D Views'''
:[[GTS meeting 4_18_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Running beam to the dump
:[[GTS meeting 4_11_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Finished bake of second part of beamline
:[[GTS meeting 4_04_17]]  No Meeting - Open to finish second part of beamline - Summary of tasks for the down
:[[GTS meeting 3_28_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Attempting to center gun solenoid - Emittance vs Gun HV
:[[GTS meeting 3_21_17]] Meeting in LERF Break Room - Attempting to center gun solenoid
:[[GTS meeting 3_14_17]] Meeting in GTS Control Room - Delivering magnetized beam. '''''DO NOT TURN MAGNET ON WHILE GUN AT HV'''''
:[[GTS meeting 3_07_17]] Meeting in GTS Control Room - GTS beam in ON
:[[GTS meeting 2_28_17]] Remaining Tasks - Very close to run beam
:[[GTS meeting 2_21_17]] Beamline and Prep Chamber successfully baked
:[[GTS meeting 2_14_17]] HV and Magnet conditioning seems to be OK for beam. Updates on cathode prep chamber and beam line. POISSON simulations comparing the T-electrode to the spherical electrode inside CEBAF style gun vacuum chamber
:[[GTS meeting 2_07_17]] HV and Magnet conditioning. Updates on cathode prep chamber and beam line
:[[GTS meeting 1_17_17]] Gun with Magnetized beam coil turned ON!!! Updates on cathode prep chamber and beam line
:[[GTS meeting 1_3_17]] Emittance measurement techniques
:[[GTS meeting 12_20_16]] Gun conditioned to 350kV in vacuum, up to 365kV w/Kr, new scheme for puck grabbing in prep chamber, etc.
===Gun Test Stand Meetings===
:[[GTS meeting 12_06_16]] High voltage conditioning with barrel polished electrodes, beam line, cathode solenoid magnet, etc...
:[[GTS meeting 11_15_16]] Laser power  
:[[GTS meeting 11_15_16]] Laser power, gun bake update, beam line update
:[[GTS meeting 11_08_16]] Beamline update
:[[GTS meeting 11_08_16]] Beamline update
Line 88: Line 392:
:[[GTS meeting 12_15_15]] optimized shed for today's gun plan Y
:[[GTS meeting 12_15_15]] optimized shed for today's gun plan Y
Line 126: Line 433:
:[[GTS meeting 7_7_15]]  kick off and to-do list, review Carlos' HV results
:[[GTS meeting 7_7_15]]  kick off and to-do list, review Carlos' HV results
=To-Do Lists=
:[[GTS Improvement List - Summer / Fall 2016]] Plans to improve on GTS when installing magnetized beam cathode magnet
*[[media:Carlos' HV insulator paper_IEEE published Feb 2016.pdf]]
*[[media:Carlos' HV insulator paper_IEEE published Feb 2016.pdf]]

Revision as of 11:49, 10 July 2020

Gun Test Stand Meetings

TGun status


GTS meeting 7_13_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 3_09_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 3_02_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 2_17_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 2_10_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 1_27_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 1_13_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 1_06_20 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 12_09_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 12_02_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 11_25_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 11_18_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 11_11_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 11_04_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 10_28_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 10_21_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 10_14_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 10_07_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 9_30_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 9_23_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 9_16_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 9_09_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 8_26_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 8_19_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 8_12_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 8_05_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan
GTS meeting 7_29_19 T-Gun Progress and Work Plan, Survey
GTS meeting 7_22_19 T-Gun Progress
GTS meeting 7_15_19 T-Gun Progress, remaining tasks and schedule - GTS Photocathode Analysis
GTS meeting 7_08_19 T-Gun arrived today
GTS meeting 7_01_19 T-Gun will arrive at JLab on Monday July 8th
GTS meeting 6_24_19 T-Gun will arrive at JLab on Monday July 1st
GTS meeting 6_17_19 Disconnect P-Gun and Install T-Gun
GTS meeting 6_10_19 NAPAC 2019
GTS meeting 5_13_19 IPAC 2019
GTS meeting 5_06_19 Disconnect P-Gun and Install T-Gun
GTS meeting 4_22_19 Disconnect P-Gun and Install T-Gun
GTS meeting 4_15_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 4_08_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline and TE011 cavity
GTS meeting 3_25_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 3_18_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 3_11_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 3_04_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 2_25_19 Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 2_18_19 Plan of Commissioning T-Gun Beamline
GTS meeting 2_11_19 Completed Beamline for T-Gun, T-Gun Beamline and New Ion Precipitator Drawings
GTS meeting 2_04_19 Beamline and Controls Modifications
GTS meeting 1_28_19 Beamline and Controls Modifications, T-Gun Beamline Drawings
GTS Beamline with Photogun at end of LDRD
GTS meeting 1_14_19 Beamline and Controls Modifications
GTS meeting 1_07_19 Beamline and Controls Modifications


GTS meeting 12_10_18 Krypton Processing to 300 kV, Ion beam calculations
GTS meeting 12_03_18 Krypton Processing to 300 kV, Space Charge Effect in Magnetized Beam
GTS meeting 11_26_18
GTS meeting 11_19_18 GPT simulation of Space Charge effects in Magnetized Beam
GTS meeting 11_12_18 Ghost beam studies
GTS meeting 11_05_18 Ghost beam plans
GTS meeting 10_22_18 Summary of pulse energy vs bunch charge
GTS meeting 10_15_18 Summary of pulse energy vs bunch charge for 200 kV, 150 kV and 100 kV
GTS meeting 10_08_18 Space charge limit vs magnetization and laser pulse length, Bunch charge vs Frequency, Ion simulations discussion with Crhistian Valerio
GTS meeting 10_01_18 High bunch charge, Ions simulation by Cristhian Valerio
GTS meeting 9_24_18 28 mA run (100 kV, 150 Amps), GPT Space Charge Limit
GTS meeting 9_17_18 RadCon approved Currents: 100 kV @ 26 mA; 200 kV @ 15 mA; or 300 kV @ 4.5 mA
GTS meeting 9_10_18 16 mA Magnetized beam run, High currents plan, P3 Workshop abstracts
GTS meeting 8_27_18 New Spellman HV power supply
GTS meeting 8_20_18 Emittance vs Gun Solenoid, Magnetized lifetime measurement at 4.5 A (37 hours), ion-induced secondary electron beam, t-gun beam movie
GTS meeting 8_13_18 P3 Workshop
GTS meeting 8_06_18 Emittance vs Gun Solenoid, Magnetized Beam 2D and 3D Schematics
GTS meeting 7_30_18 More lifetime measurements, Emittance check with Gun Solenoid off
GTS meeting 7_23_18 Summary of lifetime measurements
GTS meeting 7_16_18 High current runs, GPT simulations of Beam Size vs Solenoid Current for 200 kV
GTS meeting 7_11_18 Photocathodes Sb deposition time studies, High current runs
GTS meeting 7_02_18 Photocathodes Sb deposition time studies, GPT simulations of normalized emittance vs z
GTS meeting 6_25_18 Photocathodes Sb deposition time studies, GPT simulations of normalized emittance vs z
GTS meeting 6_18_18 GTS updated plan, Photocathodes activation with different Sb deposition time, CST microwave studio simulations of 300 kV GTS gun
GTS meeting 6_11_18 Beam emittance vs magnetic field at photocathode (Laser rms = 0.32 mm)
GTS meeting 6_04_18 Beam size for different Pierce angle 1D field maps, Space Charge Simulation
GTS meeting 5_21_18 More HV conditioning, Photocathode surface and chemical analysis, Space Charge Simulation
GTS meeting 5_07_18 HV conditioning completed, Photocathode activation (moly substrate, 5 mm), New beamline Drawing
GTS meeting 4_30_18 IPAC'18 Final Proceedings
GTS meeting 4_23_18 IPAC'18 Posters + Proceedings
GTS meeting 4_16_18 IPAC'18 Posters
GTS meeting 4_09_18 IPAC'18 Contributions, Replace bad ceramic
GTS meeting 4_02_18 New ceramic, puck with molybdenum substrate, Gun bake, GTS Emittance Simulation
GTS meeting 3_19_18 Gun ceramic failure
GTS meeting 3_12_18 Emittance around damaged spots on photocathode
GTS meeting 3_05_18 ASTRA Beam size sensitivities
GTS meeting 2_26_18 Emittance Simulations vs spot location on photocathode
GTS meeting 2_19_18 Emittance vs spot location on photocathode, Emittance near damaged spot
GTS meeting 2_12_18 Emittance vs beam current, Emittance vs spot location on photocathode
GTS meeting 2_05_18 Emittance vs laser spot size, Beam size vs z for different Solenoid I, New beamline Drawing and 3D Views
GTS meeting 1_29_18 Harp and Viewer emittance measurements (5-300 kV), Laser profile
GTS meeting 1_22_18 Emittance measurements at Viewer 3, Harp scans
GTS meeting 1_08_18 ASTRA simulation, Harp commissioning


GTS meeting 12_18_17 Final IPAC18 Abstracts, Harp commissioning
GTS meeting 12_11_17 IPAC18 Abstracts Poelker's edits, Harp commissioning, New beamline Drawing,
GTS meeting 12_04_17 IPAC18 Abstracts, Harp commissioning
GTS meeting 11_27_17 Fiber laser sizes, beam commissioning plan, GPT modelling
GTS meeting 11_20_17 Gain switched diode laser update, beam commissioning plan
GTS meeting 11_13_17 Gain switched diode laser update, beam commissioning plan
GTS meeting 11_06_17 Shutdown activities, gain switched diode laser update, beam commissioning plan
GTS meeting 10_30_17 Shutdown activities, gain switched diode laser
GTS meeting 10_23_17 Shutdown activities
GTS meeting 10_16_17 Shutdown started today
GTS meeting 10_09_17 Remaining tasks before shutdown
GTS meeting 10_02_17 High current runs, laser heating, Jay's GTS Magnetic field model, remaining tasks before shutdown
GTS meeting 9_25_17 High current runs - 3 mA
GTS meeting 9_18_17 New activation, differential orbits, new shutdown start date
GTS meeting 9_11_17 High current runs, differential orbits, shutdown plans
GTS meeting 8_28_17 Emittance measurements, shutdown plans
GTS meeting 8_21_17 Emittance measurements
GTS meeting 8_14_17 ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements, YAG facts.
GTS meeting 8_07_17 ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements
GTS meeting 7_31_17 ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements
GTS meeting 7_24_17 ASTRA simulation and emittance measurements
GTS meeting 7_17_17 Updates on magnetized beam sizes, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
GTS meeting 7_10_17 Updates on magnetized beam sizes, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
GTS meeting 7_03_17 Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
GTS meeting 6_26_17 Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement.
GTS meeting 6_19_17 Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement. Yan's UGM poster.
GTS meeting 6_15_17 Updated to-do list, discuss our simulation wish list
GTS meeting 6_12_17 Updates on magnetized beam sizes and rotation angles, emittance measurements, ASTRA simulation and slit emittance measurement
GTS meeting 6_05_17 JLab Annual Users' Group Meeting: Yan's Abstract and Poster Outline
GTS meeting 5_22_17 0.5 mA magnetized beam
GTS meeting 5_15_17 Instrumenting the Wire Scanner
GTS meeting 5_09_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Software Tasks
GTS meeting 5_02_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Attempting to deliver 1 mA - Cornell, Pozdeyev and Grames papers on ions, links to GTSLOG
GTS meeting 4_25_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Upgraded the laser system. Latest Drawings and 3D Views
GTS meeting 4_18_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Running beam to the dump
GTS meeting 4_11_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Finished bake of second part of beamline
GTS meeting 4_04_17 No Meeting - Open to finish second part of beamline - Summary of tasks for the down
GTS meeting 3_28_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Attempting to center gun solenoid - Emittance vs Gun HV
GTS meeting 3_21_17 Meeting in LERF Break Room - Attempting to center gun solenoid
GTS meeting 3_14_17 Meeting in GTS Control Room - Delivering magnetized beam. DO NOT TURN MAGNET ON WHILE GUN AT HV
GTS meeting 3_07_17 Meeting in GTS Control Room - GTS beam in ON
GTS meeting 2_28_17 Remaining Tasks - Very close to run beam
GTS meeting 2_21_17 Beamline and Prep Chamber successfully baked
GTS meeting 2_14_17 HV and Magnet conditioning seems to be OK for beam. Updates on cathode prep chamber and beam line. POISSON simulations comparing the T-electrode to the spherical electrode inside CEBAF style gun vacuum chamber
GTS meeting 2_07_17 HV and Magnet conditioning. Updates on cathode prep chamber and beam line
GTS meeting 1_17_17 Gun with Magnetized beam coil turned ON!!! Updates on cathode prep chamber and beam line
GTS meeting 1_3_17 Emittance measurement techniques


GTS meeting 12_20_16 Gun conditioned to 350kV in vacuum, up to 365kV w/Kr, new scheme for puck grabbing in prep chamber, etc.
GTS meeting 12_06_16 High voltage conditioning with barrel polished electrodes, beam line, cathode solenoid magnet, etc...
GTS meeting 11_15_16 Laser power, gun bake update, beam line update
GTS meeting 11_08_16 Beamline update
GTS meeting 10_31_16 Gun HV chamber under vacuum, Improved Cathode prep chamber with Mamun's puck holder design is under vacuum!
GTS meeting 10_24_16 Gun HV chamber assembled, Cathode prep updates, beam line, P3 Workshop
GTS meeting 10_11_16 Updates: SS ball electrode assembly, gun chamber, prep chamber, beam line
GTS meeting 10_04_16 Updates on gun chamber, cathode prep and beam line.
GTS meeting 9_14_16 Shutdown work progress and discussion about photocathode 'arcing' during 1 mA beam runs, including Carlos' ERL'09 talk with FEL gun high current run observations.
GTS meeting 9_13_16 Shutdown work progress and really cool pictures of the removed multi-alkali photocathodes.
GTS meeting 8_30_16 Shutdown started!
GTS meeting 8_23_16 The way forward plan
GTS meeting 8_9_16 Discuss the new magnetized beamline
GTS meeting 7_25_16 Update since our last meeting, 1 mA for >6 hours!..battered cathode holds QE!!..QE scanner operational!!!...FE induced by hand-held magnet!!!!
GTS meeting 7_05_16 Better stability at 1 mA and 300kV with biased anode. Summary, what have we learned so far?
GTS meeting 6_27_16 100uA 300keV beam for 5 hr, but 1 mA attempts difficult. Summary of multi-alkali LN-cooled cathode work.
GTS meeting 6_20_16 Demonstrated 1 mA Beam at 275 keV!!!!
GTS meeting 6_14_16 Progress!!! Full control of laser power & first CsKSb cathode in TL1137 for the summer!
GTS meeting 5_31_16 1.6 uA 300keV DC beam on the dump!
GTS meeting 5_24_16 Struggling to keep the beam On. Some progress in diagnostics.
GTS meeting 5_17_16 The BEAM in ON!!!
GTS meeting 5_3_16 Getting ready for beam update, New puck drawings
GTS meeting 4_26_16 First multi-alkali photocathode in the GTS!
GTS meeting 4_12_16 Beamline, HV, Depo chamber, Barrel polishing surface characterization, and SCHEDULE
GTS meeting 4_5_16 Updates, and some HV.
GTS meeting 3_22_16 Updates.
GTS meeting 3_15_16 Beamline bake is done, and gun+per chamber bake is cooling down.
GTS meeting 3_8_16 Update on beamline instrumentation and bake
GTS meeting 3_2_16 Coil Procurement
GTS meeting 3_1_16 Gun magnet drawings and update on barrel polishing (Sheds) and cathode prep chamber.
GTS meeting 2_22_16 3D EM modeling of the GTS gun chamber with R30 insulator and electrode, update on prep chamber
GTS meeting 2_19_16 Discuss design tasks for Magnetized Beam LDRD
GTS meeting 2_16_16 Beamline magnets and diagnostics itemized list and LDRD gun magnet update
GTS meeting 2_9_16 Beamline and LDRD gun magnet updates
GTS meeting 2_2_16 LDRD gun magnet discussion & Shed for R30 black insulators
GTS Beamline 2_1_16 Beam line side view gun to dump with pics
GTS photos 1_29_16 Assembly of beam line and gun for LDRD
GTS meeting 1_26_16 Shed design and Beamline update
GTS meeting 1_19_16 Update: Yan's modeling with NEGs, Beamline update
GTS meeting 1_15_16 Meeting with Vashek Vylet about radiation shielding
GTS meeting 1_12_16 Update: Yan's optimized R30-shed, multi-alkali chamber work, GTS schedule drafting
GTS meeting 1_5_16 LDRD gun magnet design


GTS meeting 12_15_15 optimized shed for today's gun plan Y
GTS meeting 12_8_15 status and to-do list
GTS meeting 12_1_15 status and to-do list
GTS meeting 11_13_15 present status of Plan Z (using the large FEL black insulators)
GTS meeting 11_10_15 SYSTEM R30 white + Shed & full electrode ready for High Voltage!!!.
GTS meeting 11_03_15 SYSTEM IS UNDER VACUUM!!!.
GTS meeting 10_27_15 Sheep chamber saga, electrode assembly update.
GTS meeting 10_20_15 Update on sheep chamber vacuum setup, electrodes and RadCon.
GTS meeting 10_06_15 Update on sheep chamber vacuum setup and electrode polishing.
GTS meeting 9_25_15 Update from Yan on fields from John's Shed, update on sheep chamber vacuum setup and electrode polishing.
GTS meeting 9_15_15 Met at the GTS with Danny and Josh, Sheep chamber attached to gun valve.
GTS meeting 9_8_15 350 kV vs 500 kV guns, Yan poisson field maps
GTS meeting 9_1_15 More discussion, optimized sheds and plan y and z
GTS meeting 8_25-15 More discussion re: shed optimization for gun Plan Z
GTS meeting 8_18_15 Global GTS talking points, the big picture, VA beamline etc., to do list
GTS meeting 8_11_15 More poisson results, discuss revisiting the white R30 insulator + shed test
GTS meeting 8_4_15 Yan's poisson results, Danny's latest drawing, electrode inventory, insulator inventory
GTS meeting 7_14_15 discuss gun Plan Z
GTS meeting 7_7_15 kick off and to-do list, review Carlos' HV results

To-Do Lists

GTS Improvement List - Summer / Fall 2016 Plans to improve on GTS when installing magnetized beam cathode magnet
