UITC meeting minutes

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media: Max's thoughts on QCM GSet calibration.pdf
media: UITF stripline BPM study_John Musson 2_17_21.pdf
UITF plans for coming weeks, months plus booster optics discussion
media:Physics Division review of Andy's request for fourth run, so called run2b.pdf
media:Joe's slides describing UITF 210211_160317_UITF_OpsReview_Grames_Redux.pptx
media:Andy's request for run2b.pdf
media: Marcy's molflo simulations imagining a beamline accident at HDIce.pptx
experimental readiness review web page for HDIce [[1]]
media:Alicia's booster simulations amended since 2016 version1.pptx
media:Andy's P&C presentation HDIce at UITF summary.pdf
media:Matt's P&C presentation UITF news.pptx
media: Andy's presentation at Hall B 'roundtable' discussion_Run2 and 3 preliminary summary 1_6_21.pdf


media:HDIce status report 12_19_2020.pdf
media:list of things to fix or improve at UITF.docx
media:running log during run3.docx
Booster LLRF test plan
media:HDIce status report 12_13_2020.pdf
media:HDIce status report 12_6_2020.pdf
media:HDIce status report 12_2_2020.pdf
media:P&C meeting December 4, 2020.pptx
media:HDIce status report 11_29_2020.pdf
media:HDIce status report 11_21_2020.pdf
HDIce run3 control room staffing
media:HDIce summary of run2.pdf
media:HDIce status report 11_15_2020.pdf
media:running log during run2.docx
media:HDIce status report 11_8_2020.pdf
media:HDIce status report 11_1_2020.pdf
media:HDIce status report 10_25_2020.pdf
media:P&C meeting October 27, 2020.pptx
media:things to do between runs1 and 2.pdf
media:HDIce status report ahead of run2.pdf
media:HDIce status report end run1.pdf
media:running log during run1.docx
HDIce run1 and 2 schedule
SRF and CRYO tasks related to replumbing the CTF, between runs 1 and 2
media:P&C meeting September 28, 2020.pptx
media:revised schedule for runs 2 and 3.docx
media:UITF_HDIce schedule now through end of run3.docx
media: HDIce run1 tasks and goals.pdf
media: HDIce run 1, 2 and 3 schedules with LHe usage.pdf
media:request to operate UITF.pdf
media:summary of run0 highlights.docx
media:running log during run0.docx
tasks between run0 and run1
HDIce to-do list, updated so Andy can respond to ERR findings
UITF Operator Training ppt slides version 3_post SAF162 guinea pig session
media:P&C meeting 3_17_2020.pptx
UITF Operator Training ppt slides_draft
UITF Meeting with Allison and others to discuss schedule HDIce tests 3_5_2020
UITF Meeting - "schedule" commissioning plan through HDIce tests
UITF Meeting - pre-run0 to do list
media:P&C meeting 1_21_2020.pptx
media:Dave Kashy's suggestion for heating the buncher.pdf
UITF presentation at Wednesday scheduling meeting MCC: January 15, 2020
UITF present status of FSDs January 9 2020
UITF Meeting - January 3, 2020 to do list for HDIce, work in progress


media:HDIce ERR report summary.pdf
UITF permission to operate as an accelerator - December 4, 2019
UITF Meeting - November 25, 2019 HDIce computer support request to ACE
UITF Meeting - November 18, 2019 some things to do
UITF Meeting - November 6, 2019 HDIce ERR agenda and charge
UITF Meeting - November 5, 2019 CATS items CATS items
UITF Meeting - November 5, 2019 MeV beamline update
UITF Meeting - November 4, 2019 bi-weekly meeting, engineering help for HDIce, and spectrometer work to install Brock pollarimeter
UITF Meeting - October 28, 2019 P&C meeting 10/28/2019
UITF Meeting - October 21, 2019 to-do list again!
HDIce dump magnet testing schedule: October 17, 2019
HDIce tile removal predictions: October 9, 2019
UITF status: October 8, 2019
UITF Meeting with HDIce_modifications to beamline - July 18, 2019
UITF Accelerator Readiness Review, summary of findings
UITF Accelerator Readiness Review, June 26-28, 2019, visit the indico link: https://www.jlab.org/indico/event/322/timetable/#20190626
UITF Meeting - May 20, 2019 to-do list again!
UITF Meeting - May 6, 2019 new tools
UITF Meeting - May 2, 2019 Meeting with HDice
UITF Meeting - April 24, 2019 UITF Management Self Assessment Conduct of Operations Review
UITF Meeting - April 22, 2019 P&C Meeting 4/22/2019
UITF Meeting - April 18, 2019 Discussions with Team HDIce
UITF Meeting - April 3, 2019 shielding work update
UITF Meeting - March 25, 2019 P&C meeting 3/25/2019
UITF Meeting - March 20, 2019 meeting with Shaun and HDIce
UITF Meeting - March 14, 2019 organizing shielding work
UITF Meeting - March 12, 2019 updated to-do list
UITF Meeting - March 4, 2019 Status update and to-do list for MeV beam line
UITF Meeting - February 26, 2019 P&C Meeting 2/26/2019
UITF Meeting - February 20, 2019 status and to-do list
UITF Meeting - February 13, 2019 Meeting with HDIce
UITF Meeting - February 11, 2019 MeV beam to-do list
UITF Meeting - January 23, 2019 Meeting with HDice: Double Dump details, Harp size
UITF Meeting - January 14, 2019 P&C Meeting slides January 2019
UITF Meeting - January 8, 2019 On going discussion related to shielding, a to-do list
UITF Meeting - January 7, 2019 More discussions related to the North Wall and extra shielding


UITF Meeting - December 12, 2018 Uses of UITF
UITF Meeting - December 5, 2018 Keith Welch's observation and thoughts on accident scenarios, part of our on-going discussion related to PSS-BCM and shielding
UITF Meeting - November 26, 2018 P&C meeting, Andy presents a UITF/HDIce run schedule
UITF Meeting - November 20, 2018 Shielding options for Cave2 north wall
UITF Meeting - November 13, 2018 PSS BCM "specifications" documents
UITF Meeting - November 7, 2018 MeV spreadsheet of components, Haimson inventory, MAT corrector inventory
UITF Meeting - October 31, 2018 (HDice) Double Dump discussion
UITF Meeting - October 15, 2018 P&C meeting slides
UITF Meeting - August 29, 2018 With HDIce Group
UITF Meeting - August 15, 2018 With HDIce Group
UITF Meeting - August 13, 2018 P&C slides
UITF Meeting - June 15, 2018 Meeting with Patrizia, experimental readiness review?
UITF Meeting - June 12, 2018 Draft documents UITF Operations Directive, Bob's draft UITF ARR, and Bob's summary comments
UITF Meeting - June 6, 2018 HDIce mechanical design discussion
UITF Meeting - June 3, 2018 to-do list
UITF Meeting - March 11, 2018 Cave drawing showing trenches and notes for Vashek to calculate shielding requirements near trenches
UITF Meeting - March 10, 2018 The QCM was cooled to 4K on April 6 and then pumped down to 2K on April 9. Temperatures, pressure and liquid level look good: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3557428
UITF Meeting - March 12, 2018 to-do list, preparing to cool QCM and add RF
UITF Meeting - March 2, 2018 details related to QCM commissioning
UITF Meeting - February 26, 2018 to-do list
UITF Meeting - February 12, 2018 to-do list
UITF Meeting - February 9, 2018 Parts count discussion, MeV beamline
UITF Meeting - February 8, 2018 Discuss plans to cool the QCM and apply high power RF, but no beam acceleration
UITF Meeting - January 29, 2018 We have 200 keV Viewer limited beam! Updates from RF and from Cryo on QCM, Chopper being conditioned
UITF Meeting - January 24, 2018 UITF ME weekly meeting
UITF Meeting - January 19, 2018 UITF choppers + comments on UITF MPS/FSD system
UITF Meeting - January 9, 2018 Where Trent left the PSS BCM proposal before his departure


UITF Meeting - December 18, 2017 Gun conditioned to 200 kV in vacuum. Beam line ready for beam?
UITF Meeting - December 4, 2017 Gun HV conditioning in progress, made a cathode and preparing beam line for keV beam operations
UITF Meeting - November 6, 2017 preparing for keV beam operations
UITF Meeting - April 10, 2017 budget status
UITF/SRF Meeting - March 24, 2017 SRF cleaning 4kxx beamline
UITF Meeting - February 1, 2017 Editing the keV OSP


UITF Meeting - October 21, 2016 UITF and CEBAF PSS BCM mini-review
UITF Meeting - October 20, 2016 Meeting with Mont, HDIce schedule
UITF Meeting - October 10, 2016 Meeting with Service Providers, FY17 budget estimate
UITF Meeting - August 16, 2016 Meeting with Mont, UITF PSS BCM discussion meeting minutes, CEBAF PSS BCM technote
UITF Meeting - August 1, 2016 UITF Engineering Meeting
UITF Meeting - July 14, 2016 Group meeting - keV beamline vacuum status
UITF Meeting - July 12, 2016 Meeting with Mont
UITF Meeting - June 15, 2016 Work coordination - the new quarter cryomodule
UITF Meeting - May 19, 2016 PSS BCM discussion
UITF Meeting - May 17, 2016 Meeting with Mont
UITF Meeting - May 10, 2016 Internal Safety Review
UITC Meeting - April 12, 2016 Meeting with Mont
UITF Meeting - March 18, 2016 UITF Ops Review
UITF Meeting - March 15, 2016 Meeting with Mont
UITF Meeting - March 7, 2016 Provide overview to EES, show schedule, MPS discussion
UITF Meeting - February 29, 2016 imagining ops with macropulse beam
UITC Meeting - February 23, 2016 Meeting with Mont + parts list + cost estimates for helium
UITC Meeting - February 19, 2016 Discuss different aspects of new 1/4 CM at UITF
UITC Meeting - February 1, 2016 HDIce talk to Hall B Users
UITC Meeting - January 29, 2016 Revised schedule
UITC Meeting - January 27, 2016 ME Meeting
UITC Meeting - January 19, 2016 Meeting with Mont
UITC Meeting - January 14, 2016 Discuss cost estimate "deltas" with Engineering and Kelly Webster
UITC Meeting - January 4, 2016 HDIce meeting


UITC Meeting - December 21, 2015 Meeting with Mont
UITC Meeting - December 15, 2015 Meeting with HDice Group
UITC Meeting - December 14, 2015 Nuts and Bolts
UITC Meeting - December 10, 2015 a revised global schedule and cost estimate
UITC Meeting - November 23, 2015 Monthly meeting with Mont, re-scoping UITF, month by month costs estimate revisited
UITC Meeting - November 9, 2015 Meeting with BNL gun group
UITC Meeting - October 26, 2015 Meeting with Team HDIce, ODH source term discussion
UITC Meeting - October 21, 2015 Monthly Meeting with Mont, month by month cost estimate, P&C meeting slides
UITC Meeting - October 12, 2015 Meeting with HDIce Folks (status of project)
UITC Meeting - October 8, 2015 Final top-of-cave electrical requirements
UITC Meeting - October 1, 2015 ODH discussion
UITC Meeting - August 31, 2015 Discuss electrical requirements above cave + Meeting with HDIce, target dimensions and transfer line discussion + Mont meeting
UITC Meeting - August 24, 2015 rack layout, utility layout
UITC Meeting - August 17 part2, 2015 HDIce beamline design talking points
UITC Meeting - August 17, 2015 Electronics rack discussion
UITC Meeting - August 12, 2015 ME meeting
UITC Meeting - August 10, 2015 nuts and bolts to do list
UITC Meeting - August 5, 2015 ODH discussion
UITC Meeting - August 3, 2015 An example of ODH assessment - the CMTF
UITC Meeting - July 31, 2015 Meeting with Mont
UITC Meeting - July 27, 2015 Status report and update
UITC Meeting - July 8, 2015 Meeting with EHS&Q
UITC Meeting - June 22, 2015 Meeting with Engineering
UITC Meeting - June 12, 2015 1/4 cryomodule discussion with Ops and SRF
UITC Meeting - June 9, 2015 GTS discussion with Danny
UITC Meeting - June 8, 2015 (eHD) Raster position/power, global schedule discussion, quantitative assessment of in-house solenoids
UITC Meeting - June 5, 2015 Cryomodule considerations
UITC Meeting - June 3, 2015 May 14, 2015 ME model + optics, Wien, buncher
UITC Meeting - May 18, 2015 Slides presented to Mont, UITF cost update, entry/exit geometries
UITC Meeting - May 12, 2015 Estimating network and computer control costs
UITC Meeting - April 27, 2015 Warm beamline design, stairs, parts count update
UITC Meeting - April 1, 2015 Mechanical Meeting and Meeting with I&C/Magnets Folks to discuss parts count
UITC Meeting - March 25, 2015 Mechanical Meeting
UITC Meeting - March 23, 2015 Layout and parts-list discussion
UITC Meeting - March 16, 2015 UITF to do list, link to old engineering service providers
UITC Meeting - March 13, 2015 Matt presentation at P&C meeting + two revised schedules
UITC Meeting - March 9, 2015 Alex optics model presentation, ver 2
UITC Meeting - February 16, 2015 parts list discussion
UITC Meeting - February 13, 2015 Poelker P&C Meeting slides
UITC Meeting - January 26, 2015 update the to-do list
UITC Meeting - January 22, 2015 Follow meeting with Cryo
UITC Meeting - January 20, 2015 Rebecca's Facilities Schedules, old and new. Walt's schedule
UITC Meeting - January 16, 2015 Talks by Poelker and W. Akers at Planning and Coordination meeting
UITF Meeting - January 15, 2015 Meeting minutes with RF guys
UITC Meeting - January 12, 2105 Continue LHe discussion, Mike Lowry's HDIce alternate beamline layouts


UITC Meeting - December 22, 2014 Joe Grames optics, Facilities revised schedule
UITC Meeting - December 16, 2014 Orientation of old and new 1/4CM inside the cave, and notes re: LHe supply/return cans
UITC Meeting - December 15, 2014 Optics discussion, beamline mechanical layout, Walt's Cave2 proposal
UITC Meeting - December 12, 2014 Subset of UITF team meets with Andrew and "Service Providers"
UITC Meeting - December 8, 2014 WBS assessment, discuss Walt's new cave layout, Mike Lowry's first HDIce beamline layout
UITC Meeting - December 1, 2014 concrete block inventory
UITC Meeting - November 3, 2014 g4beamline modeling raster + solenoid
UITC Meeting - October 27, 2014 Raster Discussion
UITC Meeting - Oct 13, 2014 Big Picture
UITC Meeting - Oct 6, 2014 Nuts and Bolts
UITC Meeting - September 29, 2014 Big Picture: nanoamp BPMs and modeling discussion
UITC Meeting - Septmeber 22, 2014 Nuts and Bolts: Optics and Mechanical model developments
UITC Meeting - Septmeber 15, 2014 Beamline discussion continued
UITC Meeting - September 8, 2014 Yan Wang's thesis proposal
UITC Meeting - August 25, 2014 Nuts and Bolts (to-do list for both guns, Test Cave and GTS)
UITC Meeting - August 18, 2014 Big Picture (RF systems discussion with Tom and Curt)
UITC Meeting - August 4, 2014 Big Picture (Hari's proposal for safety system,
UITC Meeting - July 28, 2014 Nuts and Bolts (1497 MHz Chopper assessment, Discuss beamline design, shed design, Engineering labor estimate, GTS gun sans light box)
UITC Meeting - July 21, 2014 Big Picture (Discussion with Tom Renzo of Facilities)
UITC Meeting - July 14, 2014 Nuts and Bolts (more odds and ends, including GTS "to do" list)
UITC Meeting - July 7, 2014 Big Picture (invitee Pavel Evtushenko discussion on beamline diagnostics + beamline layout gun to HDIce target)
UITC Meeting - June 30, 2014 Nuts and Bolts Test Cave and GTS (odds and ends discussion for both beamlines)
UITC Meeting - June 23, 2014 Big Picture (350kV beamline discussion, schedule v1)
UITC Meeting - June 16, 2014 Nuts & Bolts
UITC Meeting - June 9, 2014 Big Picture (Engineering and Facilities Kick OFF meeting at MCC)
UITC Meeting - June 2, 2014 Nuts & Bolts (DS and chopper comments)
UITC Meeting - May 20, 2014 Beam line layout discussion continued
UITC Meeting - May 12, 2014 Beam line layout discussion
UITC Meeting - May 5, 2014 (Topic - drawings, basic layout and specs table)
UITC Meeting - April 28, 2014
UITC Meeting - March 26, 2014 (Topic - Injector Magnets)
UITC Meeting - February 17, 2014
UITC Meeting - February 14, 2014 (Topic - Task List)
UITC Meeting - February 7, 2014 Hari's proposal to Lab management that led to approval